Big News - We're Growing!

Big News - We're Growing!

From:  Peyton Craig

To: The SENYC Community 

Date Published: June, 25th 2021 

Topic: Expansion, Upcoming Changes & Opportunities to Help

Hey Friends!

Over the last six months the number of students, deliverables and tasks has dramatically increased for me.  I wanted to use this space to first and foremost apologize for any disturbances in your learning experience that these issues may have caused.  Since the inception of Speak English NYC (SENYC), I have always envisioned growing an online English school that stretched far beyond myself. With much deliberation, I believe the time is right to hire, train and onboard another English Coach.   

As of June 25th, I have had countless interviews with qualified teachers from around the world.  While many of these professionals have been immensely insightful, experienced and knowledgeable, I am particular as to who we bring on first.  This is mostly because I believe that as you grow a business, your first few hires are the most important ones you’ll make on the road to growth, expansion and an overall better service model for you - the students.  Moreover, even though I’ve come across so many wonderful English teaching professionals, I remain steadfast and hopeful that in the near future I’ll find the diamond in the rough with that special sauce.  I firmly believe that all of you are deserving of a teacher who is passionate, knowledgeable and empathetic to your learning needs.  With time, we will find the right fit for everyone!

What to Expect: 

  • Better Classes: I take pride in preparing lessons that are unique and suitable to students’ needs.  This will always continue and I trust that our new team members will bring fresh ideas to the curriculum, delivery and teaching style.

  • Growing Pains:  While I’m hopeful that the addition of new faces will only provide more value and benefits, there may be times that things do not go as planned.  I ask that you be patient with us as we aim to get this right. 

  • Changes in Scheduling:  Currently, students schedule classes directly on my calendar and according to my own availability.  As we add another teacher, this system will likely change.  

Opportunities to Help - If you are interested and curious about this process, there are ways to help, support and play:

  • Trial Lessons & Feedback: Would you like to be one of the first students to meet our new teachers?  Are you a good judge of character, skills and potential?  Please email me ( and let me know that you’d like to have a trial lesson with new teachers and provide feedback - this would be immensely helpful! 

  • Ideas & Conceptualization: Do you love to problem solve? Do you have any ideas, concerns or warnings about the future of things?  Again, send me a message and I’ll do my best to incorporate any constructive feedback.  

  • Referrals (SPREAD THE LOVE): Do you know anyone who would like to learn English with us? If so, please connect them with me via email or share our website with friends, colleagues and coworkers.

  • Video Feedback (FOR AWESOME PEOPLE): In a short video, tell me what you like about your classes. Below are some tips and guidance: 

    • Length: 1 - 2 minutes

    • Record the video horizontally (see image below) 

    • Things to include in your video:  

      • Your name and/or your company’s name

      • How long have you worked with SENYC?

      • Why are you studying English with SENY?

      • What do you like most about your classes?

      • Name 1 or 2 things you’ve learned so far

      • Why should other students consider learning with Speak English NYC?

      • Tip - Would you like to write it down first?  Great! If it helps, I’d love to assist you with edits, grammar and wording before you record.  This isn’t necessary but I wanted to offer :)

Hold phone horizontally.png


  1. Deliverables - a thing able to be provided, especially as a product of a development process.

  2. Disturbances - the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition.

  3. Envisioned - imagine the future possibility; visualize.

  4. Deliberation - slow and careful movement or thought.

  5. Onboard - go through procedures to effectively integrate (a new employee) into an organization.

  6. Countless - too many to be counted; very many.

  7. Qualified - officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified.

  8. Insightful - having or showing an accurate and deep understanding.

  9. Expansion - the action of becoming larger or more extensive.

  10. Steadfast - committed to an outcome. Focused and determined.  

  11. Diamond in the rough - one having exceptional qualities or potential but lacking refinement or polish.

  12. Special Sauce - an element, quality, ability, or practice that makes something or someone successful or distinctive.

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