Listening_B2_Simon Sinek's Business & Life Advice (Full of Idioms and Natural Expressions)

Listening_B2_Simon Sinek's Business & Life Advice (Full of Idioms and Natural Expressions)

  1. Complete the exercises below to further improve your English comprehension and writing skills.

  2. Email your answers and thoughts to your SENYC Coach before your next class.  

  3. Having trouble? Take a look at some of the listening comprehension tips below:

Tip 1 - Listen AND watch simultaneously.  As you listen, read the words across the screen.  (Note - Try reading the words with the screen muted. This may help to further your listening comprehension skills as you rewatch the video with the volume on)

Tip 2 - Rewatch the video as many times as you need.  Students often find out that they learn more and more each time they rewatch these types of videos.  

Tip 3 - Pause the video and take notes.  Taking notes on different words, phrases and idioms will help you to retain information.  You never know when you’ll hear similar words like this in the future.  

Additional Writing & Comprehension Practice:  Write a response to questions below and email them to your SENYC Coaches.  

  1. What are your thoughts on the following, “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.  Working hard for something we love is called passion.”

  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  You can find meaningful purpose in a job, career or the work that you do.

  3. What is your spark?  What is the thing that really stimulates your interests? What gets you excited to keep working, building & learning? 

  4. The speaker of the video tells a short story about a bagel - What are two life lessons that the speaker is trying to highlight? Do you agree with these intended lessons and words of wisdom?  (If you disagree, explain you thoughts in greater detail)

  5. What does it mean to ‘take accountability for your actions’ and why do you think it is sometimes difficult to do this?

  6. According to the speaker, what kinds of people can make it through the grueling and difficult Navy Seals training? What characteristic must they have? Which mindset lead to failure?

  7. What are the 2 lessons that Nelson Mandela learned from his father’s meetings (Hint - Circle)? 

  8. In what ways can company leaders establish a welcoming, accepting and open culture for their employees? Why / Why no are these qualities appealing?

  9. If you were given the opportunity to speak to young professionals around the world, what are some life lessons that you’d like to impart upon your audiences?  What wisdom would you share to help empower your audience?  How would you feel about preparing such a speech?  

  10. Bonus Material - How many idioms were you able to catch?  List them below:

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